Why do we need to practice new things? Why can’t we simply read a book and 💥 we can just add a new feather to our caps right there and then?
“Practice makes perfect.”? or “Practice makes positive.”? Life is so much more about positivity than perfection!
So many of us reach labour, birth and the postpartum period without having done much preparation at all. We have the car seat, the pram, the cute baby clothes but what we truly need, as a birthing person is often amiss. There are things you can look into to enable yourself to feel in control of your birth experience and one of these is ‘hypnobirthing’ as well as ‘Postnatal planning’ for the postpartum period (More on the latter coming soon from bump & glide!).
If you’re expecting please please look into hypnobirthing! It’s not just for a particular type of birth, a first or fifth birth, a specific age group, nationality or culture. It’s for everyone, birth people and their birth partners, anyone and everyone, anytime, anywhere!
On a bump & glide birth preparation course, you’ll learn so many new tools and techniques that you and your birth partner can use when the time comes and all of these take practice! The more you practice the more positive and confident you’ll feel, the more positive a birth you’ll have.
Parents who follow my course really love our sessions, reading the KG Hypnobirthing book, receiving their bespoke parent folder, relaxation scripts & tracks, ongoing emotional support and more…
I sometimes hear people say ‘Hypnobirthing isn’t really for me’ like it’s something reserved for a certain type of person. Yet, when you delve into what it actually is, you realise it’s simply about logical & factual information about how our minds and bodies work together in order to achieve the best experience of labour and birth. It should be a must for ALL expectant parents and it’s my hope that, one day, it will be!
