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By enhancing existing policies and benefits with bespoke sessions for businesses & budgets of all sizes, bump & glide Ltd supports individuals, couples and organisations to ensure they continue to thrive during the pivotal and huge transitional time of pregnancy, parental leave and the return to work.  


bump & glide Ltd tool kits provide invaluable crucial support, leaving women feeling more confident, more valued and in a more focused and productive frame of mind and providing employers, Line Managers and team members with the knowledge they so desperately need to fully support their teams members at a time when so much is evolving.


Bespoke bump & glide Ltd packages are tailored to fit the existing culture, and values, of each business as well as the needs of each individual, which are discussed in great depth with Serena Williams, Founder and Director of bump & glide Ltd.

Maternity Mentoring

For mothers, anytime from 20 weeks of pregnancy through to the first months of returning to work after maternity leave - in person or live online
What is Maternity Mentoring and why should you be doing it?
Becoming a parent is one of life's huge transitions, right up there with adolescence and the menopause, yet as a society we don't value what it brings to each individual, family, community and organisation. Instead, we penalise women for having children - have you heard of the Motherhood Penalty? Maternity discrimination? The Maternal Wall? All these things damage and hinder the enjoyment of this miraculous stage in woman's life, often leaving her with nowhere to go, nobody to speak with, who truly 'gets' where she's at, and little by little she loses herself.

From my own lived experience, conversations with hundreds of parents and businesses of all sizes, ongoing independent research and currently a research project with the University of Southampton and Keele University on the impact maternity mentoring can have on individuals and organisations, I have designed and produced bespoke maternity mentoring sessions for women in order to take them from survival mode to confident thriving mode, through a reflective mentoring model and interactive sessions over several months.

What's included?
Each 60-90 mins session we delve into how you're feeling, what you've been experiencing, where you are on your journey and what aspects of your life you want to reflect and work on. This includes:

Reflecting on your motherhood experience to date, Data & statistics around motherhood in society today, The importance, and impact of change, How our identity shifts when we become parents, Confidence and self-esteem in motherhood, Work and motherhood - the juggle! 

Also included: 
a 45-page bump & glide maternity mentoring tool kit manual, direct contact with Serena during and in between sessions

*It's recommended to have a minimum of two sessions to have the most effective and positive impact. 
bump & glide Ltd tool kits
Investment adapted to requirements

For employers and their teams over the antenatal and postnatal period. 
What is a bump & glide Ltd tool kit and who is it for?
Employees and employers benefit from effective and targeted support during the pivotal time of the perinatal period (from pregnancy through to the return to work). Thankfully, a number of progressive and forward-thinking organisations are looking to offer this type of support, but often don’t know where to begin and don't have the skill set internally to provide this crucial support to their staff who are pregnant, or to the teams and Line Managers around them.

That's where bump & glide Ltd tool kits come in, providing the solution to this challenging period, by offering a comprehensive programme of bespoke targeted sessions covering the vital elements that everyone should be aware of, in order to make this a time to remember... for all the right reasons. 

We're living in a time when employees, and prospective employees, are focusing on what organisations offer them in terms of additional employment benefits, on top of the expected pay, pension and healthcare... There hasn’t been a more relevant time to introduce this enhanced benefit to organisations’ wellbeing strategies and existing Human Resource policies. 
Having employees who feel heard, respected and supported benefits the organisation as a whole. By adding bump & glide Ltd tool kits and workshops into an organisation's standard offering, they will not only be attracting and retaining some of the best women and people in a competitive market but they will also be improving and investing in their overall talent pipeline, resulting in a motivated, engaged and productive workforce.

What's included?
Bespoke sessions with Serena Williams, tailored to each individual and each organisations depending on requirements and existing policies. bump & glide Ltd work alongside your Human Resources teams to ensure they enhance what already exists within an organisation. Employer and employee manuals are provided to be used during, in between and beyond the sessions.
Birth preparation using KG Hypnobirthing

For couples, anytime from 20 weeks of pregnancy - in person or live online
Why should you do this course?
How are you feeling about labour and birth? How is your other half feeling? Do you, hand on your heart, believe you have all the information, guidance and reassurance to support you to make your own informed decisions every step of the way for labour and birth? If the answer is: 'I'm not sure really, I'll just see what happens..', you need to do this course! 
After practising KG Hypnobirthing for both our births, my husband and are continuously amazed at how people give birth effectively and positively without this knowledge. In addition to the standard birth preparation aspect, I bring the past 8 years of lived experience and ongoing research into this space to my sessions, making them rich and up-to-date with all the latest information.

What's included?
4 sessions of 2-2.5 hrs each including the below vital knowledge, and so much more!
How the mind and body work together, types of breathing, relaxations, positions for birth, the importance of the role of the birth partner, how the maternity system works, the different stages of labour and birth place options.

Also included:
A postnatal visit in the first 4 weeks following the birth, the KG Hypnobirthing book, direct contact with Serena in the lead up to and beyond birth and a 43-page parent folder with key content to revisit and practice with.
Beyond the Bump Postnatal Planning

For couples, anytime during the third trimester - in person or live online
Why choose this course, delivered by Serena Williams?
As a society, we are getting a little better at preparing for labour and birth, which is welcomed news. However, we're still nowhere near where we need to be in terms of preparing parents for the postnatal period, especially that all important Fourth Trimester (The first three months after birth). Motherhood, and parenthood can impact a person's wellbeing, their identity, their relationships, how they view the world... As a parent-to-be, you deserve that empathy, that reassurance, that factual and research based knowledge to make this experience one to remember forever - for all the right reasons! 

Over the course of the session, we look at over 16 different topics to be aware of before you have your baby, so that you can enter parenthood feeling in a lot more control of your own unique experience.

What's included?
1 session of 2 hrs, which includes information on:
What to expect after birth!, the Fourth Trimester, Matrescence, the importance of a support network, Dads and Partners and why they are SO important, the 6/8 week postnatal GP check-up.

Also included:
A postnatal visit in the first 4 weeks following the birth, direct contact with Serena in the lead up to and beyond birth, a 26-page bump & glide postnatal manual.

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DISCLAIMER: Please note that all information on this website, and provided by bump & glide is classed as signposting. Serena Williams is a communications professional not a medical professional and any medical advice should be sought after from your GP and other healthcare providers. At no point will bump & glide give advice, we aim to provide you with the knowledge to make your own informed decisions.

© Copyright 2018-2024  bump & glide Ltd, Marchwood Park, SO40 4DA, all rights reserved

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