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This week (15-22 June 2020) is World Continence Week.

NHS England estimates that between 3 and 6 million people in the UK have some degree of urinary incontinence and around 34% of women are living some degree of urinary incontinence.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy states that Pregnancy-related incontinence problems are common during and after pregnancy and that the most common cause of pregnancy-related urinary incontinence is weak pelvic floor muscles.

If you’re nodding reading this, please seek help with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist! They are absolutely incredible at supporting you in this area, and here’s what they do…

* Teach you how to exercise your pelvic floor muscles correctly

* Advise you on your lifestyle, with nutrition, exercise, and fluid intake information

* Monitor your progress and modify the exercises accordingly

Ahead of getting an assessment with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist you can also check out the website of@charteredphysios for tips to help prevent pregnancy-related incontinence.

You don’t need to wear incontinence pads for the rest of your life. With the right help and support in this area you can strengthen your pelvic floor and go running, cough, sneeze and jump up and down on that trampoline without leaking…

If you’re in the Winchester/Southampton area get in touch with@lizknowlesphysioa Women’s Health Physio who also runs@mummy_motassessments postnatally.

📸: Thank you for this wonderful image@michellelyons_muliebrity

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